Thursday, March 19, 2015

My “Not So” Lucky Shirt

03/19/15 - It is now 19 months since my stem cell transplant. I have been very doing well… up until now.

On March 17th I celebrated my 54th birthday. With it being St. Patrick’s Day, I enjoyed some corned beef, cabbage and Guinness. One of the gifts I received from my wife was a green Irish tee shirt with a 4 leaf clove on it and the words “Lucky Shirt” printed on it.  
Being I had scans on March 16th and my follow up monthly appointment was on March 19th to get my results, I figured it was a great idea to wear this “Lucky” shirt to the Cancer Center. The plan to simply get my blood work, meet with the doctor for a checkup and get my results, and then go for my monthly IVIG (note: I have been having IVIG’s for that past 3 months).

Well, I guess you should never count your chickens before they hatch because my “Lucky Shirt” was not that lucky after all. I received results today that it appears that my Mantle Cell Lymphoma is back. The scans revealed that there are 4 new enlarged lymph nodes, one of them being larger than the one that was found back in 2013. Just 90 days ago my scans were completely clear. It sure seems that once MCL decides to wake up it moves pretty quickly. 

I will be meeting with Dr. Goy tomorrow for a consultation. I have all the confidence in the world that he will have some outstanding options for me.
So again my adventure with mantle cell lymphoma has taken an unexpected turn. At this point I have no idea what I will do. I do know that this will require strong faith and trust in God (and my doctors) and a positive attitude.

He will not fear bad news; his heart is confident, trusting in the Lord.
His heart is assured; he will not fear. In the end he will look in triumph on his foes.
Psalm 112:7-8

More to come…


Unknown said...

I am so sorry. My Dad was diagnosed with MCL in October of 2013. I found your blog shortly after that time and read it chronologically like a novel. My Dad's cancer had been in remission about 5 months but news this afternoon is that it is back and aggressive. I came back to your blog to see how you were doing. I am a believer and have found encouragement in your blog. Thank you for sharing your story. Lanette Smith

Rich Franco said...

Hey Lanette,
I am so sorry to hear about your dad. It is certainly disappointing to have to jump back into the battle so soon after completely a successful set of treatments. Please let your father know that I will be thinking about him and praying for him.


Unknown said...

We will be praying for you too. My Dad started on r-DHAP this week with plans for remission and then an autologous stem cell transplant. Each turn take a readjustment to a new normal but God is faithful.


Rich Franco said...

Hi Lanette,

Thank you so much for the prayers and support. I just know your dad will do great. He is so blessed to have a daughter like you. Please pass on my best wishes to him.
