Tuesday, March 7, 2023

IVIG’s and Sinus Surgery

 3/7/23 – It’s been a while since I posted a heath update. Overall, my health has been good, but I do continue to get sinus, and upper respiratory infections. As a matter of fact, I am on my 12th consecutive round of antibiotics. It seems as soon as my I take my last pill… the infections are back within a day.

Apparently, this is being caused by a couple of factors.

My igg level: I continue to get my monthly IVIG. It has produced some promising results. In a recent blood test, my igg level was 837. This is the best it’s been in years, but my body is not maintaining antibodies. My Abs CD8 Suppressor is high (2,531) and my % CD8 Pos Lymph is also high (64.9%). Based on these numbers, my doctors feel I need to continue the monthly IVIG’s.

Inflamed Sinuses – I had a CT of my sinuses and it was discovered that they are very inflamed. My ENT doctor believes that one reason my infections have been ongoing is that they truly never clear from my sinuses due to all the inflammation that I have. Based on this we have decided that I will be getting sinus surgery. The surgery is scheduled for March 23rd.

Between the IVIG’s and the sinus surgery, I am hopeful that I am on the right track towards normal… where I will not need to be on these never-ending rounds of antibiotics.

My adventure with Mantle Cell Lymphoma started when I was 47 years old. In a week I turn 62. I can say without any hesitation that I am truly blessed. My present and future continues to look bright.

 Here is a link to an awesome song the fits well with the crazy time we live in. It’s by Matt Maher and is called “Common Ground”.



“To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David. O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether. You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me.” Psalm 139:1-24

More to come…
