Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Biopsy Scheduled

2/20/13 – Here is a quick update on my schedule.  I have been officially scheduled for my biopsy on Monday, February 25th and I all get my results on Monday, March 4th.

It is very easy for me to jump to the conclusion that my Mantle Cell Lymphoma is back. With the mass being in the exact same spot as one of original tumors, it is not completely crazy to think this way. On the other hand, I have to say that I feel great. I recently started watching what eat and ended up losing over 50lbs. Also, I have been very energetic over the past few months. How could I be sick again? It makes no sense to feel so good and still be sick, right?

BUT… in truth I will only know for sure when I am given the results from the biopsy.

At the end of the day, I need to keep calm and leave all of this in the hands of God.
I know God will take care of me.

Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and he brought them to their desired haven. Psalm 107:28-30
More to come…


Anonymous said...

My Name is Michael Watkins and my wife Kathy contacted you when I was diagnosed with Mantle cell Last October. You offered some words of encouragement. Thanks for that. I am in remission and Have one treatment with R chop before going into a stem cell program at USC cancer center. I then will go to the City Of Hope to be included in a clinical trial for a maintenance program. I read that their is a clinical trial for relapse that includes ibrutinib and bortezimib (velcade) this looks promising. I wish you the best of luck and good health. Mick. e-mail

Rich Franco said...

Michael, Thanks you so much for your words of encouragement. It is still early in the process for me. Once I get back the results I am pretty sure Dr. Goy has plans to pull me into another study group and I do believe it will be the one that includes ibrutnib. I wish you all the best as you take the next steps to tour full recovery. Thanks you again. Rich