Thursday, July 17, 2014

Happy 6 Year Anniversary

7/17/14 – I simply cannot believe that 6 years have passed since I was diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Then again, when I look back at everything I have experience since July 17th 2008, I find it hard to believe that I squeezed all this into 6 short years. Even though I have been told I have cancer, was treated for it, relapsed, was treated for it again and then added in a stem cell transplant for good measure, I can say without any hesitation that I have been blessed. From the many great doctors and nurses who helped me… the many family and friends who have been there for me… and how well I have responded to everything, how can I look at this any other way?

I did have my scans in June and everything looks fantastic. I have my energy back, I am back at work, and I am happy to say that I am playing my guitar regularly. I feel like one of those t-shirts you get and the Hallmark stores that say “Life is Good”.

Sure, no one knows what tomorrow has in store for us. The best thing anyone can do is to forget about that past (being there is nothing we can do about it) and not worry about the future and simply live for today.

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God
Ephesians 2:8

More to come…


Anonymous said...

Frank, i am very happy to hear things are going well. i wish i had found your blog earlier as it would have prepared me for what i was facing. i have walked the same steps you have with the same doctors and nurses. i finished chemo in June and recently returned to work. best of luck for the future. eps

Rich Franco said...

Hi Eps,
I am so glad you have completed your treatments and are back to work. Isn't great that you can get your life back? Best wishes for your future.

the human said...

Rich, it's Ross Hoyt from Houston, Texas. I wrote you a few months back. Glad to hear you're doing so well...You're an inspiration! Just a quick update on where I'm at, I'm literally on my last bag of chemo (I'm at MD Anderson) on my last round as I type this. I've had a great response to the chemo (hyper c-vad) and I hope to return to work in a month or so. I'm praying for a long remission and will be hopeful for a breakthrough for all MCL patients around the world.

Rich Franco said...

Hey Ross,

I am so excited for you. I am sure you will be back to work and be back to living a normal life before you know it. I know many people who had the same treatment you had and they are still in remission 10 years later. I see no reason why you won't be the same. I will keep you in my prayers. Best wishes to you and your family.


Unknown said...

Hi Rich, I keep referring to your blog for encouragement. I will be getting my donor transplant Sept 18. It seems surreal because I feel great now. I finished radiation in July and have been on ibrutinib. Praying you continue to do well.

Janet Kohler

Rich Franco said...

Hey Janet,
I can’t tell you how many times I tried to talk Dr. Goy out of me getting the transplant. After all the Ibrutinib worked so well for me and I was feeling great. His response was that this was best for me for the long haul.
When I saw Dr. Goy after my transplant and when I was doing so well Dr. Goy couldn't resist to say “I told you so”.
It is really all about what you need to do to have a long healthy life. Although having the transplant may seem like taking a step backward it will certainly jump you 100 steps forward. The fact that you are feeling so well will be a great help with you handling the transplant.
When you look at the transplant it is encouraging to look at it as one of the best gifts you have ever gotten. I will keep you in my prayer and I am very confident that you will do great.
Please keep me up to date on your progress.

Unknown said...

Thank you, Rich. Your prayers are appreciated and your comments reassuring.

the human said...

Rich, thanks for your positivity and words of encouragement. I am feeling great despite receiving several units of blood after my last treatment (it was common for me to receive blood after my "b" cycle of hyper c-vad). All my numbers are slowly recovering after six grueling chemo treatments, and my official return to work date is October 6th. Hope you're doing well...I will check back with you soon. -Ross Hoyt