Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Is This Really Happening? I’m back in the hospital

6/10/15 – It sure is great to be home. On Monday, June 8th I had to head back to the cancer center where I had a checkup and received fluids to keep me hydrated.  On Tuesday, June 9th I put in a full day working from home. I did have a bad cough for most of the day but was feeling pretty strong. After I shut down for the day my wife Sue asked “Can I take your temperature?”  I have to admit, this is not my favorite questions. My temperature was 100.2. Although this is OK, it is getting close to the magic 100.5 where we have to call the cancer center. About 20 minutes later we took my temperature again and it was 102.00. We called the cancer center and were told to head down to the ER. Upon arriving at the ER my temperature was 102.02.  It was decided that I would be admitted. I made it into a room 12:30PM on the next day (Tuesday. June 10).

The current thinking is that my body is having a hard time fighting the para-influenza. To be safe, I was sent for a chest CT and had more blood cultures pulled. Also, I will be observed for a while to see if I spike a fever again.

Now it’s a bit of a waiting game. This is a long road for me. Even though I have hit a series of bumps in the road I cannot let it get me down. I just need to keep pushing forward to the goal of good health.

And endurance produces character, and character produces hope
Romans 5:4

More to come…

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