– It has certainly been a couple of interesting weeks for me... Fevers, GVHD
sighting, low heart rate, etc…
My new cardiology
doctors are looking to monitor my heart. I guess with a history of passing out it may be smart to see if these episodes are related in someway.
Also, it would be
great if all my doctors were on the same page but it may take some time to get
there. There are just still so many questions:
Are all the mix of
medications causing issues?
Is the GVHD causing the
How about my MCL being
fought by my immune system (brought on my GVHD)?
Do I need more research
on my new heart ailments?
Do I need a pace maker to
give my heart an extra boost when it is needed?
There is no doubt that I have more questions than answers.
It was
great to get released from the hospital yesterday. I will be back at the cancer
center on Monday, August 31st to meet with the transplant team to follow-up on my DLI that I received on August 3rd. While I am at cancer center it is likely I will also meet with oncology to follow-up on my recent hospital stay.
But to you who fear My Name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise
With healing in His wings; And you shall go out And grow fat like stall-fed
Malachi 4:2
More to
Praying for you through the complications. May God give the doctors insight and answers. Your positive attitude is inspiration to many. Blessings,
Hi Janet, Thank you for your continued prayers and support. Rich
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