Friday, October 2, 2015

Initial PET Scan Results Looking Good

10/2/15 – On Thursday, October I had a PET scan. I followed up with the Cancer Center on Friday, October 1st. Although I know Dr. Goy is not available until October 13th I really wanted to get an idea of what the results were so I called the Cancer Center and spoke to one for the nurses from the Lymphoma Team. The nurse was able to tell me that there was a great improvement from my last PET back in July but was unable to get into the specifics. She would really need Dr. Goy to interpret the results. I passed on the good news to my nurse practitioner from the Transplant Team. I heard back from her with a more details about the scans. This included the following:

Reviewed the results and I was much more impressed with what I read than what you wrote. There was RESOLUTION of FDG uptake in the mediastinum (chest) and the soft tissue mass was decreased in size… Previously in the chest the avidity had an SUV of 18.1 then 7.7 now NOT MEASURED AS ACTIVE, resolvedthis is AWESOME!!!!!!!!

This sure is sounding like very good news. When I meet with Dr. Goy on October 13th I will learn more about what this all means.

I still have not had any signs of a GVHD rash. If this continues I will have a 2nd DLI the week of October 26.

Over all it is looking like I am headed in the right direction. God is Good! God is Great!

Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you
Exodus 23:25

More to come…


Joanne Ploch said...

Fingers remain crossed, prayers still being said.

Rich Franco said...

Thanks Joanne. I can't you how much I am looking forward to get my life back to "normal". Hopefully this all means that I am on my way.