Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Time to be Thankful

11/25/15 – Last year on Thanksgiving Day I celebrated my 1 year anniversary of my stem cell transplant. As I approach my 2nd anniversary (or what many consider my 2nd birthday) it is very clear that so much has happened over the past year. Yes, I relapsed… Yes, I had challenges handling my chemo therapy… and Yes, I am still waiting for any type of sign that shows I have an immune system that can fight my mantle cell lymphoma if it tries to come back again.

BUT… I am alive to fight another year… and although this past year has been a road full of many bumps, there were also many fantastic times along the way. And Yes, although there were times that I was sick and weak from treatments, it was always amazing how my family and friends were always there for me, my wife and my daughters.

And with all this said, I am in full remission, I have returned to work and I am living my life as a happy and healthy person. It is times like these that makes you appreciate each day as a wonderful gift. It is important that we live life a day at a time… better yet, we live life a moment at a time… making the best of each moment.  

I am truly very blessed to have such a loving and supportive wife… and daughters who are willing to drop everything and be by my side. I certainly have a life where I am surrounded by love. True I have been fighting MCL for over 7 years, but I can say without any hesitation that God has been very good to me. I have so much to be thankful for.

I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families.

God truly loves us all. Here is a link to a song called “How He Loves” by the David Crowder Band that I think you will enjoy.

Come, let us sing joyfully to the LORD; cry out to the rock of our salvation.
Let us come before him with a song of praise, joyfully sing out our psalms.
For the LORD is the great God, the great king over all gods,
Psalms 95:1-3

More to come…

Thursday, November 12, 2015

I finally had my 2nd DLI today

11/12/15 – After a few delays, I finally had my DLI today. The plan is to wait 4 weeks to have a follow up appointment being it typically takes 4-5 weeks to see any impacts of the DLI. My next appointment is scheduled for December 10th. If at that point there are no signs of GVHD, then another DLI will be scheduled. If there are signs of GVHD, then the GVHD will be treated. Once GVHD has successfully been treated then another DLI will be scheduled. This pretty much an ongoing process that will be followed until my immune system and my body come to terms with each other. It will probably take a long while before I get there. In the meantime, the hope is that my agitated immune system will be able to fight out any new MCL that comes its way. I sure know this is confusing stuff. Dr. Rowley does the best he can to explain everything to my wife and I. At the end of the day I have totally trust in him and his team.

Along with our busy DLI Day, today we handed in all our paper work to the oncology team to appeal denials from my insurance company (Aetna) and the drug company (Bristol-Myers Squibb) for a PD-1 drug called Opdivo (nivolumab). Our hope is that I finally get approved and that we add it to our arsenal of treatment options. We have certainly heard great things about this drug. 

“For God shows no partiality.”
Romans 2:11

More to come…

Friday, November 6, 2015

More Obstacles Present Themselves

11/6/15 – My DLI has been rescheduled for Monday, November 9th. Unfortunately I am running a high fever (102ish). I also have a sore throat and cough. If I cannot get well it is very likely that my DLI will need to be delayed yet again. 
Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.
James 1:12

More to come…