Friday, January 22, 2016

Another ITP Update

1/22/16 – After a week of my trying to get my platelets to rise we started today with a count of 8. Following 2 bags of platelets the count hit 19. In addition, I received an IV of Amicar and a shot of NPlate. This should get me through the weekend. I need to be back at the John Theurer Cancer Center on Monday, January 25th for additional platelets, Rituxan and whatever else my medical team feel will help treat the ITP.

Another development with the ITP is that one of my blood tests came back showing I was positive for an infection called H. pylori. A stool sample was taken to see if I truly have this in my system. If it is true, H. pylori can be a cause of ITP. I should hear back on the results of the test by early next week. From what I hear it is fairly easy to treat with antibiotics. This could end up being a good thing. Of course I would rather go down this road than have a splenectomy.

Everyone at John Theurer have been supportive and compassionate.

When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick.
Matthew 14:14

More to come…

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