Friday, February 5, 2016

More Good News

2/5/16 – I was back in Hackensack today to check my platelets (and other blood counts), get an NPlate shot and then have a PET Scan. The day started with the me receiving news that my platelets were 59. This was good news. Although this is still low it does seem that they are holding their own.

Next I headed to another building on the Hackensack University Medical campus for my PET scan. While I was waiting for my scan the cancer center called. They said that they would like me to return there after my scan so they could infuse some fluids. Apparently my kidney function was low as a result of a high creatinine. Once my PET was complete I headed back to the cancer center. While the fluids were infusing into me one of the nurses noticed that the results of my PET scan came in. Soon after this the results were delivered to us from our favorite APN. On the report from Radiology was drawn a picture of a smiley face with the words “Looks Great!” 
Yes, the scan was all clear and I am still in remission.

So things continue to look up.

Sure I have to complete my treatments for ITP. I’ll be back for my 4th and final treatment of rituxan on Tuesday, February 9th. Hopefully this will do the trick and bring an end to this ITP saga. I will need to continue to get NPlate shots for a while until my platelets are able to maintain themselves at a normal level.

All and all this was a great day.

O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; For His loving kindness is everlasting.
1 Chronicles 16:34

More to come…


Unknown said...

Just catching up on these past few weeks, Rich, and while I'm sorry to hear that your numbers have been down (and all that that entails), I am now glad to read that things are looking up and that you are starting to feel a bit better, and that you may be able to begin the Opdivo soon. Not sure if you know this yet, but Kathy was just approved by BMS to start with her trial of it also; and in fact, you guys just missed each other by a day, as she was there on Thursday. Continued prayers for (all of) you (hi to Sue :) ) and just know that you are an inspiration to all of us! XO TS

P.S. I hope Jill is doing well so far with the move and transition ... : )

Rich Franco said...

Hey Janet,

Yes, I did see Kathy at church last week. Se is really looking great. I am so very happy for her that things are looking better every day.

I am looking forward to moving forward with Opdivo but as they say, "all good things in their time."

Thank you for all your support.
