Wednesday, November 2, 2016

My Happy Contradiction

11/2/16 – Throughout my adventures with MCL, my body has had times when it responds in an unexpected way… in a way that surprises my doctors. They expect me to react one way but my body takes me in a completely different direction. The nurses sometimes refer to me as a fine print patient… someone who is the exception to the rules. Sure, at times this has caused me setbacks… but sometimes things work to my advantage.

With my last update, I reported that I had another bone marrow biopsy that showed a positive result of MDS… and yesterday, I had a complete blood count (CBC) test… and the results were remarkably normal. I mean people who have never been sick a day in their lives would be thrilled with such great results.

This is extremely interesting being when you Google MDS you find that low blood cell counts are a hallmark feature of disorder and are responsible for the following symptoms that patients experience — infection, anemia, spontaneous bleeding, or easy bruising. Anemia (low red blood cell counts), neutropenia (low white blood cell counts), and thrombocytopenia (low platelet counts)… and the good news… I have none of the above.

So, what does this mean? I have no idea. It is just one of those mysterious contradictions. In my case it is a happy contradiction.

I have another follow up to check my blood counts on November 29th and then I have my next set of scans on December 19th. I’m hoping for continued good results… and maybe a continuation of my life’s contradictions.

Lord, I don’t know where all this is going, or how it all works out.
Lead me to peace that is past understanding, a peace beyond all doubt

Here is a YouTube link to a great song by the Newsboys with this same message.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6

More to come…


B.B. said...


You are loved by the one who gives and takes away and the only real mystery in all of this is why is God so good? He just is! And we can see this through the life of Jesus. I have read the Bible from cover to cover over many years and have always marveled at the range of God's interactions with His created offspring. He expresses love, anger, nurturing, hurt, dissapointment, discipline, forgiveness, healing, etc. throughout biblical history. This past year I decided to focus on the person of Jesus who stated, "if you have seen me, you have seen the Father". "I and the Father are one". "I can do nothing except what the Father shows me to do", - (all slight paraphrases of course). In reading only the four gospels and the book of Acts, over and over I am further amazed at the character of God that comes through the person of Jesus who willingly touched the leper to heal him, washed the feet of his disciples, had no place to rest his head, and willingly suffered the incredible rejection of the leaders who inflicted tremendous pain, suffering and then death. This was the Father's will. And it is the Father's heart to open the door for salvation for us. Why? So we can know Him and be known by Him. That is what He wants even more than our good deeds - Intimacy with us. He has shown His love for you Rich in so many ways over so many years. Yes circumstances could change, but His love for you will never change. Press into Him more and more as this is what He desires of you!

Rich Franco said...

Hey B.B. Thanks again for your faith filled insights and encouragement. Your focus on what's important is truly inspirational.
Here's to wishing you the best of health.

Alan said...

Hi Rich,
I haven't caught up on your blog for ages. However I've thought of you periodically and your journey.
So I've caught up and see that you are doing well, though taking a few diversions!!
Keeping heading down that highway, living and loving life.

For myself I've just clicked up 5 years post diagnosis and am having good health. I've started cycling with all the issues that mature creaky joints bring with that! Im seeing my "Boss" in December and am very positive.

Unfortunately my role was made redundant in July, so finding a new job is interesting! However that meant my wife and I could visit West Coast USA to visit the national parks - Vegas, Grand Canyon, Zion, Yosemite and home via San Fransisco. Magnificent.

Did you know - you were the first blog on MCL I found back in 2011. Keep it up.


Rich Franco said...

Hey Alan,
It is always great to hear from. I am sorry about your job… but in typical Alan from down under fashion, you made the best of it and you had yourself an awesome trip to the west coast. That is just fantastic. I wish you the best of luck in your job search and most of all I just know everything will go great with your December visit with your “Boss”.
It’s crazy how time flies. You hit your 5 year mark and WOW,,, has it really been 8 ½ years since I started this blog? I guess the most important thing is that we are both feeling well and making the best of life. Thanks, and best of health to you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rich,

Wishing you the best this holiday season, and continued mysteriously good reports! God Bless!


Rich Franco said...

Hey Janet,

It is so great to hear from. A very happy and healthy holiday season to you and your family.


Unknown said...

Hello Rich,

Really happy for you!

My Dad is in ICU, fighting MCL. He is 69 and not doing very well.I hope for a miracle...I really do.

Please pray for him!

Rich Franco said...

Hi Anee,

I am so sorry to hear about your dad being in ICU. He is in my prayers.

Sometimes we hit a bump in our health journey that seems like we can never get passed it. I know I have. But with faith, and love miracles can happen.

Peace to you, your dad and your family.


DeJay said...

Hi Rich, my daughter found your blog shortly after I was diagnosed with mcl. I wasn't ready to read it at that time, but now have read your entire blog. I appreciate all the detailed medical information along with your upbeat faith-filled posts. I even wrote a post about the effect it had on me to read your blog on my own, which is I wish you all the best in your continued journey. DeJay

Rich Franco said...

Hey DeJay, Thank you for your very kind comments. I just love your blog. Keep wearing those rose-colored glasses. It is so important to focus on the positive and make the most of each moment. I wish you all the best in the journey with MCL. You will most certainly be in my thoughts and prayers.