Tuesday, November 27, 2018

5 Years Since My SCT… New Beginnings

11/27/18 – Today I celebrate my 5th “birthday” … or should I say 5 years since I had my stem cell Trans plant. With this being a time of year when we focus on what we are thankful for, there is so much for me to be thankful for. My health has been great, my friends and family continue to be such blessings in my life, and at this 5-year mark I also have the opportunity to celebrate new beginnings.

One change in my life is that recently I have been laid off from my job. I had been with this company for 32 and ½ years. I will always be thankful for the support the company gave me throughout my adventure with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Also, I leave this company with some great parting gifts like an early retirement package.  One may look at being let go from your job as a bad thing… but I see it as an opportunity to pursue my interests. At this point I am unsure what I will do but I am only 57 years old and thanks to my doctors I have plenty of runway left in my work life. Will I start a new career? Will I start a new business? Will I simplify my life and retire? I have time to work this all out… but no matter what I do I am excited for this opportunity of a for this new beginning.

Another thing that a new beginning and cause to celebrate is that my daughter Alli got married to her fiancĂ© Dustin on October 19th. It was so great to be a part of this as a healthy and energetic father of the bride. During this blessed day I had the honor of being asked to play song during the marriage ceremony, the thrill dancing in the father/daughter dance and joy of having a blast at their wedding. I again thank my oncology and transplant doctors and staff for the opportunity to celebrate such a wonderful event. 

Here is YouTube link of me playing a song at my daughter’s wedding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McV0yOG1AEc

Here are some pictures from the wedding:

Another thing I am thankful for is the wonderful Thanksgiving I had with my family. My daughter Jill and her husband Marc hosted me, my wife and Alli and Dustin at their home in Atlanta. Everything was just amazing. It was just so special to spend time with the people who are most important to me. With me 5 years into my SCT and over 10 years since my MCL diagnosis, I never want to miss an opportunity to celebrate life and love. 

If there is one thing that remains a challenge for me on the health front is that sometimes my immune system is a little weak and I get sick with colds, sinus and upper respiratory infections. It seems every year I get sick during the fall season and it takes a number of courses of antibiotics and steroids time to get over it. This year my fantastic doctors and APN’s have been on top of this and have been providing me with proactive IVIG’s to boost my immune system. I don’t want to jinx myself but if sure seems like this has worked. In addition, I have taken other precautions to ensure I stay on my feet. I made sure I have gotten my flu and shingles shots. I recently had a pretty bad case of shingles… trust me, if you are eligible to get the shot, go get it. I guess the bottom line with this is that some of this falls on me. I need to be diligent to make sure I do everything possible to ensure I stay in good health. I do have my periodic scans tomorrow. I have total confidence that all will be fine.

Again, I cannot say it enough just how thankful and blessed I feel.

Here is a YouTube like a great song by NEEDTOBREATHE called “Oohs and Ahhs”, The main refrain states:  
We got oohs, we got ahhs
We got everything a man could need
We got oohs, we got ahhs
Still got a mountain full of mouths to feed

See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.
Isaiah 65:17

More to come…


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