Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Happy 11 Year Anniversary

WOW, how time flies. It is 11 years ago that I was first diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Here I am 11 years later and I am having a great run. I have been free and clear of MCL since 2015. Now this may not seem like a long time… but for me it seems like forever ago. I may seem like a broken record… but I am truly so BLESSED.

I am currently at this point in my life where it is full of many new and exciting things.
As I had mentioned in my last post, I have a new hip. All I can say with this is that I feel great. I am moving better than I have in a very long time.
Also, my wife and I have been on a bit of a health kick. I am down about 40 pounds. I have great energy and I am completely void of any breathing issues.
On my career front, I have started my own business. I will be helping people become their own bosses and taking control of their lives by assisting them with finding franchise business opportunities. This is a mission I am very passionate about being I have recently gone through a career transition of my own. It will be my pleasure to help others find their perfect business. To makes this clear I have named my business “Mission Franchise”
And the biggest thing which will be new in my life is that I am going to be a grandfather. My daughter Jill and her husband Marc are expecting a bundle of joy in November. 

As I said, I am so blessed. Could it be that I have reached the light at the end of the tunnel? Only God knows… but I can say without any hesitation that when I look back to the time in 2008 when I was sitting with Dr. Scola, hearing my diagnosis… and being able to hit the fast forward button taking me through past relapses, many bumps in the road and so much more… landing where I am now it is clear to me that due to My Adventures with Mantle Cell Lymphoma … I am stronger than I ever have been… My confidence to take on new big things in my life is stronger than it has ever been… I have a stronger faith than I ever had… My love for family and friend is stronger than it ever has been… … … and I now look to the future with such excitement, enthusiasm. passion, faith, hope and love.

Here is a link to a wonderful song that so much speaks to me. “Counting Every Blessing” by Rend Collective:

The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.
Habakkuk 3:19

More to come…


Renata said...

Hi Rich! So glad to read about your new business and you becoming a grandpa! I am sure you will be awesome at both! Take care

Rich Franco said...

Hey Renata, It is so great to hear from you and yes, I am going to be a grandfather... it's so cool. And the business, in truth I should have done this along time ago. I am now in control of my own work destiny and at the same time free of the crazy rat race that goes along with corporate life. All the best to you and your family... and your boys are awesome. Say Hi to the gang for me. Thanks!!! Rich

Jessica said...

Hi Rich,

I first came across your blog a few years back when my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 Mantle Cell Lymphoma in 2016. It was so encouraging to read about your journey and I commented on your blog during this difficult time and you responded. It was such a big deal to me because I just needed to know it was possible to fight this thing. At the time my dad was not keen on going for Chemo and was pushing back on the idea. He was prepared to just let it take over him. I showed him your blog, I have no idea if he ever read it, but he fought hard for two years of Chemo and is now in remission. It isn't fully gone (not sure it ever will be) and he still goes for his 6 months blood work and maintenance therapy but we still have him in our lives today.

I just wanted to say thank you, thank you for telling your story. It may feel like a thankless task and it might be strange to look back on, but it helped a South African girl make a connection with her father and not give up hope that her dad would get better. My dad might not have read your journey but I did and I could reach out to him and connect with him even when he couldn't speak because of thank you.

On that note congrats on becoming a grandpa, so much life and excitement, as well as chasing your dream and running your own business. My husband and I both work for ourselves and it's a completely different way of life. You get to do what you love everyday, some days are less fun than others but they are always 100% better than working for someone else (ok maybe less so when you are sick and don't get paid leave :P)

All the best to you and your family.

Take care.

Rich Franco said...

Hello Jessica,

I am truly so very happy to hear that your dad is in near remission and doing well. It sure seems he fought hard and has good health go show for it. Know that there are always new treatments coming out and there will always be something to treat your dad. One thing I always try and tell people is that going though treatment for cancer can be a bumpy road… but it is a very passable road. The time one commits to being treated, whether it 3 months, 6 months or even a year is time and energy well spent because it leads to years of great health and it leads to a great new perspective of life. Your dad can now put his energy into enjoying life.

I cannot thank you enough for sharing your dad’s journey with me. Please pass on my best wishes to your dad.

Again, thanks for sharing.
