Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Immune System Update

02/23/22 – I can’t believe how time is flying by. I surely owe everyone an update based on my last post.

I did meet with Dr. Younus and he let me know that my test results showed that I ultimately had zero immune system protection from bacterial infections. I guess the good news is I finally know why I am so susceptible to upper respiratory infections. Based on this he said that the course of action I had to take was to get immunizations shots. These shots are what are typical for young children. Soon after meeting with Dr. Younus, I received 3 immunization shots:

  • Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (Hib) - HIB (PRP-T)
  • Pneumococcal - Pneumococcal (2 yrs and up) PPSV23
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)

The next step would be to rerun the blood test about 4 weeks following the shots and then meet with Dr. Younas again to review the results.

I had another appointment with Dr. Younas on January 31st. Unfortunately, the immunizations shots did not do anything to improve my immune system. So, now what?

Dr. Younas feels the best course of action is to start a a regiment of periodic IVIG infusions. With this approach I would get an infusion every 4 to 5 weeks. My first infusion is scheduled for March 7th.

In the meantime, Dr. Younus wants me to be careful with where I go and who I get close to. I not only need to be careful of exposure to COVID-19, I also need to stay away for people who are sick (cold, flu, etc.).

To look the positive side of things I have been feeling well. Since November I have had only one span where I wasn’t feel well and had to go on antibiotic… but other than that everything has been great.

I am very much looking forward to see how the IVIG’s help me. I am very hopeful.

Here is a YouTube link to a great song that helps us think about how God has our back. It’s called “He Is” by David Crowder:


"But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently."

Romans 8:25

More to come…


John said...

Just reading this now... Sorry to hear on the immune system, but good on IVIG, hopefully that helps.

I do feel my immune system isn't what it was pre- MCL, and as I type this I currently have a cold - a standard head cold, that comes with life, and does coordinate with my having gone out last weekend, and probably touching some virus etc. etc. Post MCL though, I'd get something fall and spring pretty regularly, and I don't think that was the case pre-MCL.

In the COVID world I'd been pretty healthy, but everyone's been better with hygiene, less people out, and of course masks during part of it.

Good luck on keeping it under control, and living your life at the same time!

john and chris

Rich Franco said...

Hi John and Chris,

As always, it is great to hear from you. You know... if you are having similar issues with you immune system, it may not be a bad idea to have a consultation with Dr. Younus or someone like him. He is located in Hackensack, close to the hospital at:
360 Essex St Suite 302, Hackensack, NJ 07601
Phone: (551) 996-2065

Maybe he can have blood tests done that will take could show why you get sick fall and spring. If he finds something there may be preventative things that can be done for you.

Be well.

