Sunday, April 30, 2023

Sinus Surgery Was a Walk in the Park… or NOT… CRASH!!!

 4/30/23 – On Thursday, March 23rd I had my sinus surgery to clear out my inflammation, repair a deviated septum and some other work… all with the hope of repairing my diseased sinuses and reduce the number of infections I have be getting over the years. After the first couple of days following the surgery, I was feeling much better than expected… so much so that on Saturday, March 25th, I mention to my wife that “this sinus surgery is a walk in the park”.  Well, as we all know, it’s never good to count you chickens before they hatch. Around 4:00 AM Sunday morning, I woke up and went to the bathroom… like men my age tend to do. After I was done with going to the bathroom, I felt a little dizzy and passed out. To make matters worse, I was next to our shower with a glass door… and I fell through it, breaking the glass in a million pieces. The next thing I remember was regaining conscious, half on the floor of the bathroom and half on shower stall floor, covered with glass. Lucky for me, it was one of the newer shower doors and it didn’t break into sharp glass that would have made matters way worse.

The next things I remember were my wife screaming, my next-door neighbor, who is a state trooper, checking me out to see what damage I had done to myself, a team our paramedics attending to me, loading me in an ambulance, and a long ride to Morristown Hospital. When all this was done, I was in the emergency room hooked up to monitors to see what the heck happened. After hours of tests and scans there wasn’t anything that explained what happened. I did not have a heart attack, my blood pressure was normal, my heart and oxygen rates were normal, the scans of my head, sinuses and brain were clear, an ultra sound of my cardiac artery was clear.  I was put on a heart monitor for a 24 hour period, and that too came back normal. I guess it was another case of me going though something that wasn’t explainable.

When I got home, I went back to my normal activities and I haven’t experienced anything that would cause concern.

As far as my sinus go, I have not had any infections since the surgery. This leaves me very optimistic that we may have solved my never ending upper respiratory infections.

So all and all, I feel the sinus surgery was a success. It’s just that I guess I like to keep things interesting with the added drama I create. In truth, my wife never really liked that shower door… there are probably far easier ways of getting it replaced.

I will continue to have my monthly IVIG’s for a little while, but my hope is that I won’t need to get them at some point soon.

This whole event could have been so much worse and I just that thank God enough for always looking out for me.

Here is a link to a wonderful song prayer about how God looks after us:

It’s called “See a Victory” and it’s performed by Elevation Worship.


For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. 1 John 5:4

More to come…


John said...

DUDE!!! What the heck??!!

ok, glad it all went as well as it did. just be boring for a bit now, eh?

Hope the surgery provides relief.

john and chris

Rich Franco said...

Hi John and Chris,

I hope all is well with you guys.

Yeah, I know, I certainly keep things interesting.

Sound good news to report... Jill is expecting again. This will be our 3rd grandchild. So... I really need to keep myself healthily. There's just too much fun ahead.

Thanks for keeping in touch. Hopefully, sometime in the near future we could get together.
