Sunday, November 27, 2022

9 Years Since My SCT – A Time to Give Thanks!

 11/27/22 – No way… has it really 9 years since I had my stem cell transplant? When I look back, it was the day before Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving Day, my wife and two daughters spent the day with me in the hospital. They brought Thanksgiving dinner to me… sure, I really didn’t have much of appetite…  but what we shared was one of my best Thanksgiving memories. It’s times like these when you realize just how blessed you are and when you look up to God and say Thank You!!!

 Since that day, the blessings have continued. I’ve seen both my daughters get married… I’ve been blessed with two grandchildren… and as I sit here, I can say that the only thing that continues to be a challenge for me is my immune system. I continue to receive my monthly IVIG’s but it has become very apparent that they haven’t produced the results I had been hoping for.

Recently, I seem to get sinus or upper respiratory infections fairly often. This is followed by me going on antibiotics. Throughout the course of antibiotics, I’ll start to feel better… but once I take my last pill, I start to feel sick again. I am up to six consecutive rounds of antibiotics. To add on top of all this, I have had COVID twice this year… in July and in November… and I am up to date with all my boosters.

Of course, I knew that when I started with my IVIG’s that it would be a bit of a process and may require some tweaking. I guess I have to wait and see what my next set of blood tests reveal, which should be sometime after the new year.

Saying all this, for a person who has had MCL 3 time (2008, 2013, 2015) and someone who had a SCT 9 years ago… as I said at the beginning of this post… I am very blessed and I have so much to be thankful for. One of the great things about the anniversary of my SCT is that it always falls close to Thanksgiving. It is a great reminder to me on how thankful I am for all my blessings.

Here is a link to an awesome song the fits well with the Thankful theme of the season. It’s by David Crowder called “Thanks Giver”.


“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” 2 Corinthians 9:11

More to come…

Friday, October 21, 2022

It's Been Two Years Since My Last Scans - All is Great!!!

 10/21/22 – I just can’t believe that it’s been two years since my last scans. This is the first time I’ve gone this long between scans… and I guess it was for a great reason, my doctors are very confident that my health remains good… and they are 100% correct. My scans showed that all is clear. Certainly, God is Good!

To add to my good news, my igg level is at 763… which falls within the normal range. I guess my monthly IVIG’s are working. God is Great!

Dr. Leslie’s only instructions to me were to get my flu shot (which I did get already), keep up to date with my COVID vaccinations (which I went to get as soon as I left her office) and to enjoy life… especially my two beautiful grandchildren (I certainly plan to do that).

I truly have so much to be thankful for.  Although, it can be difficult ay times, you can never go wrong when you put your trust in God. Here is a like to a f=great song by Chris Tomlin, with some help from NEEDTOBREATH, called “Power”


“The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise Him” (Psalm 28:7).

More to come…

Saturday, July 16, 2022

A Happy 14 Year Anniversary

 07/17/22 – As the years fly by, there are times that I truly lose sight of my health journey. Except for the ongoing treatments for boosting of my immune system, which is such a small thing when you think about all I have been through, my health has been nothing but great. 2008, the year of my original diagnosis, seems like a lifetime ago.

Speaking of the treatment of my immune system, that is going well. When I first started, my IGG level was always in the low 400’s. Now, after receiving one IVIG per month for the last 6 months, my IGG level is consistently in the 700’s. I will continue to receive the IVIG treatments for the rest of the year and some time in 2023 we will look at where I am and make a decision on if I should have more frequent infusions. have fewer infusions, stop having infusions, or change the dosage I receive

There is no doubt that I live a very blessed life. I have my health, I have my two beautiful grandchildren, I have my two wonderful daughters and their husbands and I have my lovely wife. I truly try the celebrate life every day. After all, each day is a gift from God and living our lives to the fullest is the greatest way to show our appreciation. One way to do this is to always look to show love, compassion and kindness to all the people around us. Here is a link to a fantastic song, call “Nothing More” by The Alternate Routes. 


"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." — Ephesians 4:32.

More to come…

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Immune System Update

02/23/22 – I can’t believe how time is flying by. I surely owe everyone an update based on my last post.

I did meet with Dr. Younus and he let me know that my test results showed that I ultimately had zero immune system protection from bacterial infections. I guess the good news is I finally know why I am so susceptible to upper respiratory infections. Based on this he said that the course of action I had to take was to get immunizations shots. These shots are what are typical for young children. Soon after meeting with Dr. Younus, I received 3 immunization shots:

  • Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (Hib) - HIB (PRP-T)
  • Pneumococcal - Pneumococcal (2 yrs and up) PPSV23
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)

The next step would be to rerun the blood test about 4 weeks following the shots and then meet with Dr. Younas again to review the results.

I had another appointment with Dr. Younas on January 31st. Unfortunately, the immunizations shots did not do anything to improve my immune system. So, now what?

Dr. Younas feels the best course of action is to start a a regiment of periodic IVIG infusions. With this approach I would get an infusion every 4 to 5 weeks. My first infusion is scheduled for March 7th.

In the meantime, Dr. Younus wants me to be careful with where I go and who I get close to. I not only need to be careful of exposure to COVID-19, I also need to stay away for people who are sick (cold, flu, etc.).

To look the positive side of things I have been feeling well. Since November I have had only one span where I wasn’t feel well and had to go on antibiotic… but other than that everything has been great.

I am very much looking forward to see how the IVIG’s help me. I am very hopeful.

Here is a YouTube link to a great song that helps us think about how God has our back. It’s called “He Is” by David Crowder:


"But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently."

Romans 8:25

More to come…