Thursday, July 31, 2008

Getting ready to begin my treatments

7/30/08 - I am not feeling so well today. My cough is bad and I have a constant nauseous feeling. My wife called Dr. Goy. He asked that we come in tomorrow for an appointment.

7/31/08 - I am feeling better, even before the appointment. I met with Dr. Goy and the research nurse (a very nice person). They reviewed the results from my PET and CT Scans. The cancer is only found in my upper chest area (the are about 6 areas where masses have been identified). The ones in the mediastinum are likely causing my cough. The fact that the Mantle Cell Lymphoma has not spread to other areas of my body is excellent news.

On a side note: The more I get to know Dr. Goy, the more I like him.

We now can get ready to begin treatment. Tomorrow I am have a dual porta cath put in as an out patient procedure. This will make it easier on me to receive the chemo treatments.

On Tuesday, August 5th I will check into the hospital for about 5 days to begin my treatments.

As I had said in an earlier post I am part of a clinical trial. The title of the study is as follows:
Phase I study bortezomib (VELCADE) plus rituximab-hyperCVAD alternating with bortezomib plus rituximab-high dose methotrexate/cytarabine in patients with untreated aggressive mantle cell lymphoma.

I can not believe I am saying this but I am looking forward to get the treatments going. I am told that soon after they begin my cough should go away.

More to come...

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