Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More Delays

01/05/09 – After a day of feeling well I settled into watching TV. Around 11:00 PM I felt a little chill. It seemed I was beginning to run a fever

01/06/09 – Around 12:00 AM my temp was up to 102.5. We headed out to the hospital. Upon arriving at the hospital my temp was up to 103.5. I was admitted into the hospital and they started running tests.

01/07/09 – The tests are starting to be returned. This is a new infection was identified as a staff infection in my PICC line. The PICC line was immediately removed. They started treating me with antibiotics and my fever was lowered. If all goes well I should be able to go home tomorrow.

01/08/09 – I looks like I am not going home after all. Another bacteria/infection was found in one of my blood cultures. This is a rare bacteria that my doctors are not familiar with. Although my temps are now normal they do not want me to go home until the bacteria is better identified. It now does not seem that I will be going home until after the weekend, maybe Monday 01/12/09.

01/09/09 through 01/11/09 – I remain in the hospital, feeling well, being bored.

01/12/09 – The doctors really do not want to send me home being they still have not fully identified the bacteria that was in my blood. After some thought, and some of suggestions from me, it is decided I can go home on intravenous antibiotics. A new PICC line was surgically installed. I made it home around 8:00PM. As always, it is great to be home. I will not be able to begin my (hopefully) last chemo treatment until this course of antibiotics has been completed. I have an appointment with Dr. Sebti (my Infectious Decease Doctor) on 01/20/09 to see where I stand with this bacteria. My guess is that there will be more information at that time as to the nature of what the bacteria was. I also will be meeting with Dr. Goy on the same day.

Currently my platelets are at 28 but they need to be 100 for me to begin my next treatment. I have until the 20th to get them up to the necessary levels.

More to come…


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