Monday, January 5, 2009

Treatment 6/Cycle 3B DELAYED

12/29/08 – I had a follow up appointment. My counts all look good except my platelet counts are a little low (58). It is expected that they will naturally get to my targeted number (100) by the time I begin my next treatment on 1/5/09.

Also there was some good news and some bad news. The good news was I am free of the infections and bacteria that have been haunting me with my past treatments. The bad news was that I now have a new infection called VRE. I am told that it is not a huge deal and it will go away in time. The strange thing about this infection is that it is caused by one of the antibiotics that I am on.

12/31/08 – I had a great New Years Eve with family.

1/1/09 – I had a great New Years Day with family. No infections that require hospitalization.

1/5/09 – I woke up this morning very excited. Today I will begin, what I hope to be, my last treatment. As always my visit to the Cancer Center begins with a blood test that checks my counts. They looked good except for my platelets again. They are now at 77 but must me at 100 for my treatment to start. In the past I would be given a platelet transfusion to increase my platelet level but this being late in my treatments the doctors need to see my platelets rebound naturally. I unfortunately can not start my treatments today. We rescheduled to try again on 1/7/09. Dr. Goy said the best way to get the platelet up is with activity. I guess I will need to exercise for the next two days straight.

What lesson did I get from today? In the words of Woody Allen:
“If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.”

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