Monday, August 4, 2008

The Eve of My First Treatment

08/04/08 - I will be checking into Hackensack University Medical Center for my first treatments tomorrow. It seems that my cough is getting a little worse each day. I know that the treatments will not be easy but I am also told that soon after the treatments begin my cough should start to go away. I do have a number of mixed feelings with starting my chemo therapy. I am definitely a little scared and nervous, but knowing that starting the treatments is the first step toward fighting my disease I also have feelings of hope and calmness. I guess this is when my pastor's prayer will come in handy:

Jesus, I believe in you and you will take care of me.

Jesus, I believe in you and you will give me peace

I think I am going to be saying this prayer an awful lot.

I am glad that there have been a few days between having my dual porta cath put in and beginning treatments. It did hurt for a couple of days but if is now only a little pinchy due to the small butterfly stitches that will fall out on their own.

I continue to be very thankful for all the out pouring of prayer and support I received from everyone. I truly am very lucky to have such great family and friends.

I will enter my next post when I get home from the hospital over the weekend.

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