Monday, November 25, 2013

T Minus 1 Day Til' Transplant

11/25/13 – With my second day of getting ATG I hit a bit of brick wall. It was probably the combination of the ATG and the Benadryl that really exhausted me.

Today I get my last dose of ATG and a dose of Rituximab. Being they both have Benadryl as part of the pre-meds I guess I will have another sleepy day.

Another huge part of today is that this is the day that the donor will be donating his stem cells. I do not know much about that wonderfully generous person, hopefully someday I will. What I do know is that the donor is a white male, who is 35 years old and has either lives or had lived in Europe. He is an 8 out of 10 match with the mismatches not being in areas of big concern.

I am just so grateful to my donor, and for that matter, anyone who is willing to help others with whatever they need. This generosity reminds me of a fantastic song my Matt Maher “Hold Us Together”. Here is a link to it, enjoy!

Then the King will say, ‘For sure, I tell you, because you did it to one of the least of My brothers, you have done it to Me.’
Matthew 25:40-45


Mick said...

Hi Rich. We are following your progress. Sounds like so far so good. I have so many people praying for me that I feel a covering of protection. You must feel the same way. We will stay in touch as well as to send prayers your way. Mick and Kathy

Andy Lilienthal said...

I just found this blog site. My father is going through MCL right now, so it is interesting to follow someeone else's progress with this nasty disease. I wish you the best of luck.

Ken said...

Rooting for you today, Rich, and eagerly looking forward to your first post-transfusion blog!

Rich Franco said...


I am also looking forward to getting past this and will gladly share my experience.



Rich Franco said...


I am so sorry to hear about your dad. MCL is a tough but passable road. Your dad will do great. I will add him to my prayers.



Rich Franco said...

Hey Mick and Kathy,

Yes, so far so good. And yes prayer is a very powerful thing. With all the fantastic treatments and medicines out there it is still my belief that God Heals. Thanks for keeping up with my progress.
