Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Transplant Day DELAYED

11/26/13 – It always interested me on the whole logistics on how the donor’s stems cells are moved across the country, world or wherever they come from. Well I learned a little bit about it today. The stem cells will not arrive in Hackensack, NJ until later tonight, probably due to some bad weather. This means that my stem cell transplant will now happen tomorrow.

It reminds me of the old Woody Allen quote: “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.” 

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." 
Romans 12:12

More to come…



Dan Poynter said...

New Book:
TRANSPLANT HANDBOOK FOR PATIENTS: Replacing Stem Cells in Your Bone Marrow.
By a 75-year old author, in Day +118 since his transplant, who is setting records for recovery.
This book helps the patient, caregiver, and significant other to understand the journey.

Rich Franco said...


Thanks. I will definitely order this book.
