11/28/13 – Yesterday
I was up at the crack of dawn to start preparing for my big transplant day. I
guess the process of preparing the stem cells took a little longer than I
thought it would be because the infusion of the stem cell started at 3:05PM. By
4:00PM it was done. During the infusion I seemed to handle everything well but
once it was done I did have the chills pretty bad. In addition, I am extremely tired.
The nurses told me that this is to be expected that I will be like this for a few
days. Also, I have no appetite whatsoever.
With today
being Thanksgiving, my wife and daughters will be coming to the hospital with
some holiday foods. I’ll try my best to taste what they bring but I have to be careful
I do not cause myself to have an upset stomach. I am sure no matter what I eat
that this will be a great day. Anytime you are with the people you love it’s a
great day.
I truly have
so much to be thankful for. I have the best family ever, fantastic friends and
so many people who care for me. Also, I have this new exciting opportunity with
my stem cell transplant.
Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.
Psalm 106:1
More to come…
My husband and daughter are at the gym and I have time before my next cooking adventure begins, so I thought it was time to check-in with you. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. There is so much to be thankful for.
For me, getting my stem cells back was truly weird. It was so without drama. All of the thinking, the prep, the tests, the fear, all of it coming down to a doctor, a tech and two nurses, with me and a dripping bag. Of course, I did not have the privilege of a donor. Thanks so much to that person willing to take the time and effort to save a life.
When they were harvesting my cells, I sat with a young woman who was donating. She was so happy to have had the opportunity to contribute. She was the most excited person in the room. It was my privilege to visit with her while the staff worked all around us. Progress is being made.
Regarding eating. I am a foodie and a fatty with strong Italian roots. I love to eat and I flat out refused throughout the transplant process. On morning 21, a fleet of residents and fellows stood at the foot of my bed and said, "If you don't eat, you are not going home." Ouch. They told me that they would bring me anything I wanted. What did I want? MacDonald's oat meal! Go figure that one. I have no explanation. Anyhow, my dear husband headed out onto Easton Ave and brought me an oatmeal. I ate two bites and stopped. It took a few months for me to start eating anywhere near normally. At home... I would drink vanilla instant breakfast. I found out later my husband was spiking it with Ensure, which I had refused to drink. I am gaining weight like crazy now, which is totally annoying me.
I have a PET scan on Monday. My anxiety level is rising. But... Rituxan is my friend and hopefully I am OK. I look so forward to getting the results on Thursday. Hopefully it will be a very nice Christmas for all of us.
I just wanted to say hi and lend support. Keep strumming that guitar. Best,Gina
Hey Gina,
I won't lie, this process has exhausted me. I really do appreciate your advice on eating. I really do need to follow that... and right now I am not. Everything tastes and smells bad to me and I really have not appetite to speak of. I will say that I did eat the Thanksgiving for my wife and daughters brought me.
I am sure you will do great with your PET Scan on Monday. I just know you and your family will have a fantastic Christmas.
Thanks for all your wonderful support.
Of course you are exhausted. Your body and your emotions have been hit in a very big way. The biggest way. Sometimes I felt like I was a little kid, not understanding, not knowing what to agree to. Not coming up with the right questions. Not knowing what was going to happen to me and those who love me. This is tough stuff. Hang on, this will pass. It is going to take a while, but it will pass. You will be normal again. You have to ride the waves of time and take extremely good care of yourself.
Regarding food, they can get you all the nourishment you need right through those little plastic tubes! Just do the best you can. Staff knows you are going to have trouble eating. Think of the 30 inch waist and the new muscle you will build when you start to recover. You will be better than ever.
I will check in again in a few days. If you or your wife need support, just holler!gina@rgbconsulting.net. 908-638-0001
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